Exploring the new neighbourhood

IMG_20170111_130531-01Christa and I bought a house in Lyons, Colorado. About 12 minutes by car from the bubble of Boulder, we're settling into our new surrounds, and finding out what the riding options are from this new starting point. Having ridden in and through Lyons so many times, it's weird how foreign some of the same trails feel. A change really is as good as a rest.
Google Maps splays open hundreds of dirt roads when you centre on Lyons. In reality, most of these are private driveways with big gates and lots of no trespassing signs. With my incessant need to explore, I've been tracking these roads, seeing which ones actually are private, and which signs can be ignored in favour of a good ride. So far, I've found that a friendly smile and a wave at any passing car is enough to keep going on my merry way. It's only been solid cast iron gates that have turned me around. Oh, and a Bull Elk draining from the raised bucket of a tractor.IMG_20170115_130952With lots of snow still in the forecast, it's going to be a while before I figure out how to link Lyons to the high country and all of the singletrack that I know exists, but I'm looking forward to the challenge. 

Snow packed trails are as close as Colorado gets to real dirt


The Peter Estin Hut - an opportunistic trip