The game plan

I can’t think of anything else at the moment other than the races I want to do this year and the places I want to go. After a LONG time of trawling all across the interwebs, I’ve concluded that there are too many races.

Yea, terrible problem.

So this list is not an exhaustive calendar of races in the Western USA, but a list of races that I want to do. I wont do all of them, and I’m sure there will be substitutions and additions.

This is also pending mid-summer travel plans to the UK, which will mean a couple of British races thrown in too.

Last year I started 22 races, including short tracks and cross races. This list has 20, not including CX and STXC. We’ll see what happens. Its certainly going to be a ride!!

14th April - Rumble at 18 Road. Fruita, Colorado

This will be a new one for me. Previous years have started with the Mountain States cup out at Rabbit Valley, but this race looks much better. Hosted at the famous 18 road trails, the entry fees are lower than the MSC and the prizes are bigger. No surprise there then. Looking forward to some desert riding. This race also coincides with our team training camp, so we’ll have an extended weekend of riding. Fun times.

19th – 22nd April – Sea Otter Classic. Monterey, California

Still not sure on this one. Flights to Monterey are pretty expensive, and the XC is notoriously un-XC. It will be a good opportunity for some fast competition though, so we’ll see what happens. Monterey is also a fantastically wonderful place

18th May – Riverside Rampage. Salida, Colorado

This is a Mountain States Cup, so an expensive investment. But with the three day format and really well designed courses, it will be worth it. Salida is also a lovely central colorado town that truely appreciates Mountain Bikers. That is worth supporting.

19th May – Battle of the Bear. Morrison, Colorado

I raced this in 2009 and won the Cat 1 (Expert) division in a sprint finish against good friend Andrew Shephard. This year I will be hoping to podium in the Pro category. We’ll see. The trails aren’t exciting, so the race is pretty tactical. The multi lap format will be a nice practice for the ProXCT races though.

20th May – Palmer Park XC race. Colorado Springs, Colorado

This is a new one for me. Never raced in Colorado Springs, but I have heard the trails are technical and fun to the max. Racing an hour from home is always a good thing!

26th May – Iron Horse Classic XC. Durango, Colorado

The road race is famous, but the Iron Horse XC race is also supposed to be excellent. Last year I chose to do the Gunnison Growler, but this year I want to compare myself to the Durango competition. Last year the race went THROUGH a brewery. That is a good thing.

2nd June – Teva Games XC. Vail, Colorado

My favourite race from two years ago. The Vail course is fun in the trees with roots and rocks. The organisation is also fantastic. Cheap entry fees and big prizes thanks to all the corperate sponsorship. Seems like everyone turns up to race as well, so it will be a test.

9th June – Grand Mesa Grind. Palisade, Colorado

I heard about this race at the day before last year from Kevin Kane. The report was amazing trails and a low key and friendly atmosphere. A few fast locals will probably show up again and underline that local knowledge beats base miles hands down every time.

15th June – Ute Valley ProXCT. Colorado Springs, Colorado

A big goal for the season is to race well in Colorado Springs. Its perfectly timed in the season for me to peak, especially with a week off afterwards.

7th July – 40 in the Fort. Fort Collins, Colorado

This is another maybe. 2011 was the inaugural race, and it had good reviews. Racing at low elevations in July is a challenge when it heats up. 40 miles on technical trails is a good distance for me though, I think I could do well.

13th - 15th July – Snowmass three day Enduro. Snowmass Mountain, Colorado

I know nothing about this race. Depending on its balance of XC to DH, it could be a great event. I love the idea of the Enduro format; multiple stages of DH oriented riding, but all round skill and fitness are just as important.

OR  14th July – Missoula ProXCT. Missoula, Montana

If I get the chance, I would love to head back up to Montana and race this ProXCT. The course looks amazing, and I want to take every opportunity to race the fast guys!

21st July – 12 Hours of Snowmass. Snowmass Mountain, Colorado

Teammate Sam Morrison mentioned the possibility of doing a duo or trio at this race. Mid summer fitness, high mountain aspen-lined trails and the vibe that is always present at team events sounds like the perfect July weekend. Nothing like some sleep deprivation to make you feel alive

11th August – Steamboat Stinger 50 miler. Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Steamboat Springs knows how to do racing. This race was so well organised last year. Despite the amazing trails. I think I was still learning how to race the long stuff, and as such I wasn’t super happy with 6th place, even if it was good on paper. This year I will be back to get a podium spot.

12th – 18th August – Breck Epic 6 Day stage race. Breckenridge, Colorado

The Highlight of the season last year. barring mis-direction, I raced really well all week and found that I can be competitive in stage races. Each day was a phenomenal ride over some breaktaking country. This one will be very much dependent on the finances, but I hope I can get myself to the start line and get a top 5.

25th August – Epic Singletrack series race #7 – Winter Park, Colorado

The winter park series is the best local competition. There's a high chance I will fit a few more into the schedule earlier in the year. In 2009 I did them all and found every course to be well thought out and worth the entry fee. being so close to the front range also means turn out is high and competition fast. And I could do with a few extra pint glasses….

8th September – Fall Classic. Breckenridge, Colorado

Riding in the high country with the Aspens turning autumnal orange is a life changing experience. Never done this race, but there aren’t any bad trails in Breckenridge so I’m sure it will be good

30th September – Whole Enchilada Enduro. Moab, Utah

New to the calendar is the big mountain enduro series. Organised by the same people as the Mountain States cup, the entry fee is extortionate at $150. The whole series would cost a staggering $450 to enter!! I am deliberating whether I can justify that expense, and support that company, but this race might be too good of an opportunity to miss. We’ll see.

6th October – LTR 18 Road XC race. Fruita, Colorado

Motivation and funds will decide whether this late season race will happen. I might have transformed myself into someone that knows how to ride a cross bike by this time! Fruita is fun, though!


Barriers, sand and hopefully some snow. After dipping my toes into the water with three races last season, I think I need to prove I can actually be fast at Cross. In theory, the hour long format with running involved should suit me perfectly. Also, its a very good excuse to build a new bike. The main draw, though, is 15 races being within a half hour drive of home. The enthusiastic supporters, and the massive fields of riders in the open categories. I will never move away from Moutanin Biking, but this made-for-racing format is very difficult to beat!



Life lines


The Steeps